a Diagnosis of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) can be a major blow when trying to start a family. But bariatric surgery can be an effective PCOS treatment and increase the odds of you conceiving.

Best PCOS treatment in whitefield, Bangalore

Instead of starting with IVF and spending all that time, effort, emotion, and money, those who have obesity should consider bariatric surgery as a tool for weight loss and fertility. To learn more about bariatric surgery and its effect on your weight and PCOS, schedule a consultation with Dr. Sumit Talwar.

Can Weight Loss Surgery Help Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome?

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrine system disorder in women. About 10% of all women of reproductive age have signs of PCOS, a hormone imbalance that can cause weight gain, acne, extra hair, irregular periods, and other problems. Perhaps the most significant problems experienced by women who suffer from PCOS are hyperandrogenism (the presence of excess male sex hormones) and anovulation, which causes a woman to stop ovulating, rendering her infertile.

Many women who suffer from PCOS are also obese. Recent studies have indicated that women who are significantly overweight may achieve improvement with PCOS through the significant weight loss that bariatric surgery can bring.

Which Bariatric Surgery is Best for PCOS?

There is no one right answer regarding identifying the necessary treatment for PCOS and obesity.

The decision to have weight loss surgery deserves much consideration.

Once you decide to have weight loss surgery, you must find the best bariatric surgeon. Make sure this surgeon has experience performing weight loss surgery on PCOS patients.

After the surgeon confirms a diagnosis of obesity and PCOS, you will learn about the best surgery for your needs. Each bariatric surgery has unique advantages and disadvantages for sufferers of PCOS and obesity.

How will weight loss surgery help PCOS?

If you have tried to lose weight but have been unsuccessful, weight loss surgery could be your answer.

Weight loss surgery has helped women with PCOS reduce their health conditions and start families.

The best bariatric surgery to help PCOS is the Gastric Bypass. Gastric bypass surgery leads to a slightly higher loss of excess weight than a gastric sleeve and band do.

Discussing your surgical options and determining which procedure they believe would be best for you is important. Do your research before your appointment to understand your options and goals for surgery—your PCOS symptoms and personal history are unique to you, even if your surgeon has experience treating people with PCOS. Discuss your unique weight loss needs and solutions in detail when you consult with our bariatric surgeon Dr Sumit Talwar.

Dr Sumit Talwar