Weight-loss surgery changes the shape and function of your digestive system. This surgery may help you lose weight and manage medical conditions related to obesity. These conditions include diabetes, PCOS/PCOD, obstructive sleep apnea, heart disease, and stroke risk factors.

Best Bariatric Surgeon in whitefield, Bangalore

Weight-loss surgery is also known as bariatric surgery. There are various surgical procedures, but they all help you lose weight by limiting how much food you can eat. Some Operations also limit the number of nutrients you can absorb.

World over the most common weight-loss surgery is sleeve gastrectomy. In this procedure, the surgeon removes a large portion of the stomach to create a tube-like sleeve.

Weight-loss surgery is only one part of an overall treatment plan. Your treatment includes nutrition guidelines, exercise, and mental health care. You'll need to be willing and able to follow this long-term plan to achieve your weight-loss goals.

If you're considering weight-loss surgery, meet Contact Dr. Sumit Talwar, the best Bariatric Surgeon in Bangalore to help you decide if weight-loss surgery is an option for you.

Medical concerns

You'll have a medical exam to diagnose any unknown obesity-related conditions. Your doctor also will test for problems that could make surgery more complicated. You may undergo tests for:

  • Sleep apnea
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Kidney disease
  • Liver disease

You'll likely not be able to have surgery if you have these conditions:

  • Blood-clotting disorders
  • Severe heart disease that prohibits the safe use of anesthesia
  • Other conditions that increase the risk of using anesthesia

Pre-surgery expectations

If our team recommends bariatric surgery, they will work with you to develop a treatment plan. This may include:

  • Nutrition guidelines. The dietitian will help you with nutrition guidelines, vitamin supplements, and menu planning. The procedures include changes before and after surgery.
  • Exercise plan. A nurse, occupational therapist, or other specialist will help you learn appropriate exercises, develop an exercise plan, and set goals.
  • Weight loss. You may be encouraged or required to lose some weight through diet and exercise before you can have surgery.
  • Psychotherapy. You may be required to begin talk therapy, drug treatment, or other mental health therapy to treat an eating disorder, depression, or other mental health condition. Your treatment may include developing new coping skills or addressing concerns about body image or self-esteem.
  • Smoking. If you smoke, you'll be asked to quit smoking or participate in a program to help you stop.
  • Other treatments. You'll be expected to follow treatments for other medical conditions.

These requirements are intended to help you achieve the best possible weight-loss outcomes after surgery. Also, your ability to follow through on these plans will show our team how motivated you are to follow guidelines after surgery. Weight-loss surgery can be delayed or canceled if your healthcare team determines that the:

  • You're not psychologically or medically ready for surgery
  • You haven't made appropriate changes in your eating or exercise habits

The process the team uses to determine if you're ready for weight-loss surgery is also there to help you make an informed decision. You must consider the benefits and risks, follow through with pre-surgery and post-surgery plans, and commit to a new nutrition and exercise program.

Dr Sumit Talwar