If you have previously had bariatric (weight loss) surgery and have regained weight, or have not lost adequate weight, and have tried diet, exercise, and medication in consultation with a bariatric surgeon or physician, you may be a candidate for bariatric revision surgery. Bariatric revision surgery would help rectify any issues that have occurred since the initial surgery, inhibiting further weight loss.

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After undergoing bariatric surgery, patients usually remain under the care of their surgeon for several years. Depending on how much time has passed since your weight loss procedure, your original surgeon may still monitor your progress. If the surgeon feels your weight loss is inadequate or have gained the weight back after losing it, they may take X-rays to see if your stomach has changed in size or try to deduce what is going on and determine if you require a revision. Contact Dr. Sumit Talwar. the best Bariatric Surgeon in Bangalore for a solution.

It may have been many years since the initial surgery, and you may have gained weight for various reasons. Depending on the type of surgery you had initially, you may benefit from revision surgery. The revision options that would work best for you will depend on your weight loss goals and the type of surgery you had previously.

Complications After Bariatric Surgery

As with any surgery, weight loss surgery has its risks. Some complications are common and mild, but some will require immediate or eventual medical attention.

prevention and treatment of complication after bariatric surgery in whitefield banglore

Nausea and Vomiting

A lot of bariatric surgery patients can experience nausea and vomiting at some point as they adjust to new eating habits, such as when to eat and drink and how much to consume and how fast. However, contact your bariatric surgery team if you're vomiting or can't determine the cause of your nausea or vomiting.

Gastrointestinal Issues

Some patients experience constipation and gas/bloating after bariatric surgery, whereas others may have diarrhea Bowel movements eventually settle down and may be changed from before the operation. Unless troublesome, there is no need to worry. Try to incorporate fiber and adequate liquids in your food as it is the simplest way to regularize your bowel movements. Contact your physician if you need help and are troubled by your bowel movements.

Dumping Syndrome

If you eat and drink simultaneously, or if you eat high carbohydrate foods or sweets, you may experience severe diarrhea, nausea, light-headedness, and stomach cramps. This is called dumping syndrome and it is usually self-limiting. This is why bariatric surgery patients are strongly encouraged not to drink anything with meals, limit sugar intake, and eat low carbohydrate foods.

Weight Gain

While bariatric surgery is highly effective for weight loss, it's only a tool. You must adhere to recommended diet restrictions, eating habits, and lifestyle changes to maintain results. If you're struggling with weight gain after surgery, contact your bariatric surgery team or join a support group.


Low blood sugar can occur after bariatric surgery but usually happens long after having the procedure. If you feel dizzy, clammy, sweaty, and like you may pass out, contact your bariatric surgery team. If hypoglycemia is left untreated, it can lead to seizures.


Tightening or stricture of the opening between your stomach and intestine can occur after gastric bypass. Commonly occurring about four weeks after surgery, symptoms include difficulty in eating or vomiting after eating or drinking that gets worse over time, the sensation that food is stuck in your esophagus, not being able to tolerate certain foods, being unable to accept solid foods after the initial liquid diet, and experiencing pain when eating solid foods. Contact your bariatric surgery team immediately if you have any of these symptoms. While this can be treated with an outpatient procedure, it must be treated as soon as possible.

Hair Loss

Rapid weight loss commonly causes hair thinning, which often occurs after bariatric surgery. It can be worsened if you're not eating enough protein daily. Try to consume at least 60-80 grams of protein daily or the amount your dietitian or physician has recommended.

Vitamin Deficiencies

Vitamin deficiencies are common when patients don't take vitamins or choose to take a generic over-the-counter multivitamin. To prevent vitamin deficiencies, bariatric multivitamins are available. It is advisable to regularly take the supplements prescribed by your bariatric surgeon.


Sores in the lining of the stomach or small intestine are possible anytime after bariatric surgery and cause severe, persistent nausea and pain, especially with eating. Early detection is vital, so contact your physician if you're experiencing any symptoms. Ulcers can be treated with anti-ulcer medications.


Gastrointestinal leaks are possible up to one week after bariatric surgery or after being discharged from the hospital. If you experience any of these symptoms, call your surgeon's office immediately or go to an emergency room if it's after regular office hours:

  • Persistent left shoulder pain
  • Severe pelvic pain
  • Fever (over 101째)
  • Inability to urinate or empty your bowels
  • Anxiety, sweating, chills
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Persistent hiccups (with other symptoms)
  • Color change in drainage from incisions

When to Seek Immediate Medical Assistance

You should call your bariatric surgeon or seek emergency care if you experience any of the following:

  • Chest pain that's getting worse
  • Difficulty breathing when at rest
  • Fever over 101째
  • Pain, redness, or swelling in the legs (indicative of blood clots)
  • Increased drainage, swelling, or pain at incision sites
  • Incision drainage that is green or pus-like or has a foul smell (normal drainage is yellowish-red in color and odorless)

In case these complications can not be treated medically, the bariatric surgery may have to be reversed or revised.

Dr Sumit Talwar